I'll strip search someone for $6.1M


This shit was on tv before…

:rofl: :rofl:

x2 but damn she gotta a alot of loot outta it:eek2:

That’s a lot of ching.

Ronald McBigdong and the Slam Burgler…

…yea, I think Chad has that one.


actual video of the incident as seen on Prime time

ever since ‘Last Dance’ Donna Summer just fell apart.

that makes me wanna gag…that summers lady needs to be punched in the face multiple times!!! What an ass. I would sue the shit out of her, not mcdonalds. Fuck that shit.

x2! I just watched this shit on 20/20. She just acted like nothing was wrong, left her boyfriend in the back with the naked girl and continued to grease up some burgers and fries. Then on the interview with 20/20 she acts like she is the victim. They awarded her a million dollars…my question is…for what!!!

here is the problem
11 million people 3 last names

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

Simple solution: Hang up you stupid fuckers!

I love kentuky! lol…but it was funny.

i think it was a set up…by the dumb ass manager. She should be shot. maybe this was her slimy way of getting payback on the girl for something. What a joke, I cant believe this even went to the extent of sexual abuse. Something just didnt add up there…
