I'll teach ya how to stunt....

lol good edit…i saw this pic some time ago on another forum…i guess 636’s have a front fork issue. sweet bikes but too fragile. I’ll stick to my tank.

remember kiddies… Most sport bikes forks arent made for the abuse wheelies dishout.

that is a great pic with the oil blowing out of the fork.

He looks pretty wrecked.He must have hit the pavement hard.Anyway,Great pic!

Talk about the perfect moment to take a pic.

In reference to the fork issue on 636’s… its an issue that can be taken care of with proper maintenance yet he must not have done it lol

ouch worst two seconds of his life

he didnt hit the pavement hard since he wasnt coming down from doing a wheelie he was rolling an Endo.

I know they sell somethin to fix the 636 fork issue, just about all 636 stunters do it but I dont remember off hand.

at least that neck brace will hide is unsightly double chin.

He got that fucked up from a stoppie???

What a bitch.

in for more info

his face is priceless. you now exactly what he is thinking at that very moment.