I'll teach ya how to stunt....


that is the best pic i ever saw. SIQQQQQQQQQQQQQ

that is the best pic i ever saw

Silly bandwich theif/post editor. :stuck_out_tongue:

is there a picture of him eating the ground?

ahh the “oh shit moment”

At this moment he’s wishing he wore his lid like his buddies.


ya i want a pic of him eating cement.


edit: It looks like he was doing a stoppie (endo)? How does something like this happen? Bike was beat on too hard and decided to give way?

I want a zoom in of his facial expression.

What’s with the link in the corner? That’s not on the original. I remember when his friend posted it up on SFX and I did this to it


well thats the end-o of that bike…


Poor 636 :frowning: Def a good picture though lol

PS: Stunting in a t-shirt and bandanna isn’t too safe.

i seen that pic in a mag…sport rider or motorcyclist i dont know but anywayz it sucks to be him

at least the bike has protection!

didnt Al Gore post this on the internet?


Apparently this was the outcome

lol pwnt bitch.