Ilya's M35x

every shoot seems to have some sort of story that goes along with it … this one is no different … no we didnt have the police come and bust our balls, no revvvving hicks in trucks driving by, and no passing cops going the wrong way on a one way street … this time it was a homeless guy that kept trying to hang out with us … one shot i seriously had to wait almost 5 minuets before he got out of the way … maybe we were parked in his driveway im not sure but he seemed to come, go, and then come back again for about 75% of the shoot … well enough of me blabbering on and on about homeless guys … here are the pics

1, 3, and 7 are awesome! Nice work!

Nice! PM me this secret local, please. :lol

awesome location and great pics!


Looks awesome Dan. Thanks.

lol @ the homeless guy. We were both watching him when we were getting ready for the rig shot like, “What’s he doin now?” lol.

#4 is just AMAZING!

I really love all the shots. You always make the beauty come out of every car

I really need you to do a shoot of my car, but not till next season when I drop some more and different wheels

I’ll definitely be getting another shoot done when I get some more stuff for my car as well (M-Sport wheels and lip kit).

its in troy … no secret about it right off of 7E

thanks … some will love 4 and some will hate it … i do it for the people that love that kind of shot

thanks to everyone else for the comments glad to hear em

The car is sort of plain IMO, but the pics are money.

there was no homeless man when i was down there shooting my buddies 350, guess i got lucky lol.

You should’ve gave the homeless guy $5 and told him to stand in the background of a few shots for some extra shady feel to the photos lol.

I know black is a cock sucker to shoot, you must have used a CP filter for the shots or at least in the first two. It almost makes the car lose a little detail on the lower side of the body of the car.

1, 5, and 6 are my favs. The overcast sky complements the location very well. Car looks beautiful.

Fuck, that 1st shot I could have SWORN that was the warehouse right next to Dapp’s Tavern.

Great work as usual. :thumbup Car would be better if it didn’t have a tinted windshield

That’s cause it’s still ‘stock’ aesthetically speaking :lol

Says the guy with limo tint on his side windows (or close to it judging by that one pic of half your face showing behind the window that you had as your avatar some time ago)


This is the warehouse off of 7E after you cross the bridge at the light across from Hess (take a left).

Oh! Alright, I know where it is now.

nice shots, but in for pics of said homeless guy lol

nice pics dan

im a fan of 5 and 6! nice photos

Now that I have some nice pics to use. Which do you guys think looks better?

Original picture:

2nd Gen. Sport Rims:

3rd Gen. Sport Rims:

Which one do you like best? I’ll definitely be sticking to OEM, but not sure which one yet.