Don’t worry … if she is anything like me… in a month or two she will be ready to run away screaming.
I told Eurodaddy when Steph was around 6 months old that we shouldn’t have gotten my tubes tied so Steph could have a little sister to play with… but today… I had all three of them to pack lunches for and get dressed, teeth brushes, hair combed and get them to daycare because there is not school and Steph has a cold so to prevent her from licking the boogers off her lip like they are a new delicacy, I had to stop what I was doing every 3 seconds to wipe her nose and the boys were like Mommy this and Mommy that and were are my socks…and the the baby is whining because she wants me to hold her and there those darn boogers again…
OMG !!!
I could have just run away screaming… My stress level was thru the roof…
So give her one morning like that and cut her stomach opena tie her own tubes with no anestesia… just biting on a leather strap.