I'm an Autocross noob. Can you guys answer a few questions?

First off, I read the thread about the December Autocross and watched some videos from some past events and it looks really really fun. I know I’ve missed the cutoff for this coming Autocross but I’d like to come out to another one. What stuff do I need to have/know if I want to come out to an event?

B-Wurm :smiley:

I was under the understanding that the december autocross was an RX-7 Club event, with other clubs welcome. If you have specific questions on the event, it would probably be more effective to contact them directly (in their club zone on 780tuners), rather than NECC. Just a friendly suggestion. :wink:

As far as I know, as long as there isn’t anything loose in the car rattling around or that could possibly move needs to be removed or tied down (car jack, spare tire, anything laying around), and the battery needs to be properly secured.

You also need an approved Helmut.

Other than that, I think thats all you “really” need.

Oh yeah, and to register in time.

Ok, thanks a lot. And I was quite aware that it was the Rx7 club putting it :stuck_out_tongue: I just figured I’d ask here because…I dunno why! It’s a head scratcher!

B-Wurm :smiley: