I'm gone for a day and all hell breaks loose. What happened?

ly awesome

Ryan cries way to much.

I’m sueing you for that.

Slanderous wench!

I’m suing and demanding you be banned for not attending yes man last night

And you too

I’m fighting you for not inviting me

Lies Adam was there along with Jamie


Yea and? lol

Sue me for the $75 I have in the bank, a half zip of middies, and my 13 yr old rustbucket?

Go nuts, you can have the sentra too.

Ill take just the Sentra.

wise choice :slight_smile:

It IS limited edition.

The doors at least…:ssh

Its like when myself and K20 go at it, we have a 2 day war of tryin to own eachother, but its all in fun…usually lol. Im not gonna cry about it, ya just deal with it and take the “high road” and choose to “end the war” by bein like…cool post or somethin like that. Aint no thang mang

oh it’s not that bad

You are always with them…you pooface

Watch the personal attacks son ;D

Yeah but K20’s a fag and you could probably knock him out by throwing balled pairs of socks at him, he’s harmless.

Travis on the other hand COULD theoretically kill you with the bacteria growing in his mouth, much more formidable opponent.

LMAO and again with the wonderful moderation of this thread…exactly why people actually post on this site