I'm gonna have a baby ^^


Just an FYI for everyone since I don’t really see any of you guys anymore…

My wife and I just found out we’re gonna have a baby, Due November 27th.


It’s rather exciting!

congrats…there goes the ta project…


TA Project was already, How about there goes the ZO6 Fund I had saved up :nono:

shit save the rest…spend about 450 of that and be set :wink:

Congrats …

all projects go out the door …

now just plan on sittin home … watching Dora,Diego,Backyardagins,wonder pets … and the list goes on …

and we will see ya online more often … just like me

lol… i had wondered why you’re online so much more now.

actually i never turn off my computer … so it always has me online even when im not here

no projects or funds are out the window, until after the DNA tests

oh god hopefully recessive genes pull through.Congrats buddy. I remember in high school when cherise was late and you were going crazy. Give me a call sometime we all miss you

congrats jimmay!

thanks guys


congrats jimmy :tup:

Congrats man :tup:. I didnt even know you two got married lol.

this makes me want to get a vasectomy right now lol


:tup: :tup:


it was a great wedding filled with some ugly woman and bsptc eating butter

hey Jim congrats its a beautiful thing

lol. I haven’t seen Jim in a long ass time.