i'm sure a select few of you will enjoy this...


I have no problem throwing down (and beating ass) when the situation warrants it. Whitey will be more than happy to vouch for me on this. He’s seen it multiple times.

You mean, He ran away and left the story for you.
You went inside pegasus and he stayed outside.

One sided adventure. Fox news should continue too sign your checks.

Throwing down with school kids on school property does not count

Watch out for that crossing guard, Old man throws a mean left hook.
Oh wait… he already found that out.

[ame=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRhnw1gFuDA&feature=related”]YouTube - Fett’s Vette (mc chris Edition)[/ame]

Mc Chris AKA MC pee pants from aqua teen AKA Little Brittle from aqua teen


The idiots wrote the article up wrong, but what happened was we heard there was a big underage party out at my best friend’s family’s “ranch” (a house out in the middle of nowhere that they use for family get togethers, game dinners, etc.). We went out there at like 5am because the last time they had one they trashed the place. Well it was WAY worse this time so we started booting people out and this kid sucker punched my buddy so I tore him off, he then tried to go with me and I ended up beating his ass. Those girls listed all got nailed for underage but not for assault. The actual local newspaper wrote it up right, but for some reason they dont have the police blotter online. I’ll go get it out of the truck and scan it in for you homoqueers.


1320 scored +2

A: having vette song
B: Darkhomo look alike.


You are an idiot for attending underage party anyway, Got what you deserved, Attention whore.

Getting your ass kicked for no good reason- stupid

Going on a websight and bragging about getting your ass kicked-gay

Having to scrounge up a news artical to prove your right but STILL got your ass kicked- priceless noobiture

You are sounding like what you hate the most. NOOBS! oooh ooh ooh let me get the article to prove it for you Pittspeed guys. I’ll teach you to not beleive me:kekegay:

So you got your ass kicked, no big deal, but no need to butter it up:rofl:

^^^^^ :rofl: most fun weekend in armstrong county in 10 years

redneck pedo

Fucking laugh, shows the actual article. even more a tard :rofl:

we went out there at 5am to break that shit up son. His family is worth billions and the last thing they need is a couple of kids getting wasted and killing someone.

Didnt get my ass kicked.

Not bragging about it. Though some of you would like to see 'ol Darkstar with a nice shiner.

If I have to post some proof, I dont give a fuck. What the fuck is noobish about that? :rofl:

The little brittle episode

Who cares worth billions. You getting a million to save a hoe/bro ???:rofl:
Fail. you need new friends.

So instead your flabby postfatness self went out at 5am drunk to kick some ass, so basically you were wasted and almost killed someone instead but it was OK becasue it would of been you doing the killing and not some stranger. Am i getting this right?:stick:

Billions, they will do just fine in the court of law to defend themself.

FAILURE and not worth a black eye / lawsuit tard.
how old are you ??? :rofl: tard



“I hate you guys, why are you picking on me”

If your best friend got sucker punched you wouldn’t do anything about it? :rofl:

thats fucking priceless.

It will be a cold day in hell that I give two shits about what SleeperGTP has to say about ANYTHING.

My friends can very well handle themselves, even when sucker punched. Sorry i don’t hang with yuppie faggots who need you to fight thier battles. Face it, you lost this thread and it’s pretty fucking gay.:greddy: