Imagine if you will:

Imagine turmoil in financial and currency markets, with skidding stocks and a soaring currency that threatens an export-dependent nation.

Then imagine that the nation’s central bank – the one institution capable of responding quickly in a global financial crisis – has no Greenspan, no Bernanke, no boss.

This, in fact, is Japan, the world’s second largest economy.

The central bank stalemate, which has been anticipated and fretted about for months, has suddenly become a national embarrassment, an international worry and a political millstone for everyone involved.

Misery loves global company

Note to self: Take over Japan. Excellent…

Gm’s latest division… Toyota. :slight_smile:

Welcome to crazy world. Cigarettes are now considered an excellent source of calcium.

lol. Jay. yea, right.

#1 & #2 economy are struggling (not news), and a whole lot more of the world is using the opportunity to catch up…
