another shitbrick in the economy rebuild.

well hopefully this doesn’t go into play but it is starting to seem like the other countries are washing their hands of their loud ass cousin.


The New World Financial Order doesn’t need the USA to suceed.
When China needs to tells you how to handle your finances you know you are fucked.

I was going to post about the fact that once again we have been distracted by a diversion(see AIG bonus) as our government just printed another TRILLION dollars without really any headlines. Nice job US media. This inflation is going to kill us with rising prices.

Is this video about Zimbabwe or the future of the US?

ya i love how 165 million is supposed to be a big deal when another trillion was just pumped in.

good time to invest in commodities.

Yea like a few more guns and bullets, some canned food would be good too.

"In addition, a dollar collapse would mean global economic turmoil of unknown proportions. "

I’m confused and will be buying a gun.

Jesus Christ, you start with a position that is valid (I agree with your starting point) and then proceed blow it so completely out of proportion that you come off like a conspiracy theorist. No, there’s not a illuminati conspiracy new world financial order. Yes, there’s increasing trends towards globalization, and we should be cautious of them for our own best interest.

Yes, we should be worried about inflation, but not as much as we should be worried about the lack of liquidity. Keep in mind that a lot of “imaginary” money from the stock market (far more than $1tn) disappeared due to lost values, so it’s not quite as dire as you make it out to be. It’s not a government/media conspiracy to destroy America by deliberately hiding this stuff with intentional sidetracking.

Zimbabwe’s problems were completely different from what we’re going through, and while we might experience some mild inflation, to imply that we’re going to see 10,000,000% inflation (or whatever it worked out to be) like Zimbabwe is just crazy.


As for guns and bullets and canned food, do what you need to do, just don’t spread this crap around and convince people to start buying Euros, Yen, Yuan, or Pounds. The only way the dollar’s going to collapse is if the U.S. population at large gets paranoid and starts acting irrationally… which is exactly what these worst-case-scenario write-ups make people want to do. Control yourselves, stay the course.

is this an actual newscast or a joke? They bring up Germans burning currency for heat in the 1920’s. I think we are pretty far away from that situation and to even bring it up is ridiculous.

We’re doomed. There will be angry mobs roaming the fields of anarchy that was once the United States by June.

Or we won’t take the whole world with us quite so effectively when we accidentally our economy.

Have we burned Gramm Leach Bliley yet?

Yes, we should be worried about inflation, but not as much as we should be worried about the lack of liquidity. Keep in mind that a lot of “imaginary” money from the stock market (far more than $1tn) disappeared due to lost values, so it’s not quite as dire as you make it out to be. It’s not a government/media conspiracy to destroy America by deliberately hiding this stuff with intentional sidetracking.

Don’t forget that we had already been exporting a huge amount of inflation out of the country over the years. A combination of that seizing plus the federal reserve soon going to be the only buyer of treasuries means we have a really bad problem.

With the fed buying treasuries, thats going to bring anyone trying to get out of the dollar to sell their treasuries. The fed just started a vicious cycle.

Yes, there are severe economic problems that have the potential to cause a lot of damage.

I was simply taking issue with how Blue Eyed Devil was talking about the end of the economic world as we know it. I don’t believe this will be as bad as the Great Depression, which we dragged ourselves out of after a while. Say what you will about market regulation, but we were at least shielded from the initial shock, and we should be able to make a reasonable recovery. The dollar is not going to go into hyper-inflation, and I doubt it will be immediately phased out as the preeminent currency for international trade.

There is a new global financial order, it is not just some crazy conspiracy.
There already is huge inflation.
You can stay the course but, you don’t need to tell me what to do. Thanks.

Edit: swap “world” for “global”.:roll2:

I have already converted all my cash to Canadian loonys

What measures do you look at to evaluate inflation? The consumer price index is a quick and easy one that I look at, but are there better indicators?

You’re asking the wrong questions. What I really want to know is where he found the economic equivalent of Loose Change to go off the deep end over.

So, how long will our economy have to be all right, how far into recovery will we have to go, before you’ll admit that I was right (or at least that the Jewish illuminati New World Order Zionist conspiracy was foiled)?

I should have an additional Glock within the next week. I am both stimulating the economy and preparing for its demise.

Edit: Also preparing for a Zombie attack.

But seriously I just saw a F360 for sale yesterday for 72K and I wanted it oh so badly.

The measure of inflation is the increase in money supply, it has almost doubled since last October(I will find the actual numbers if I can). Nothing even close to this has ever been done in this country this fast.

ya the dollar is a great investment right now, what a fuckin joke. If you have your money in anything involving american currency, you have a bullseye on ur back and ben bernanke is aiming for u. Get the hell out of dodge while u still can.

IMF says the way to fix it is to increase the amount of liquid currency on the market by 2% of GDP.

Total money supply is a terrible measure of inflation.