another shitbrick in the economy rebuild.

^$260,000,000,000. I think they may have printed just a little bit too much.:uhh:

This sort of jawboning has been going on for years. The world economy is not going to drop the dollar anytime soon.



…on a side note, I actually have a 1924 German paper bill. Its worth 500,000,000 marks.

I use it as an example of hyperinflation in my class.

well, according to cpi current inflation is 5% a year. And that is suppose to be during a time of deflation. So yes, I would say thats pretty bad inflation.

All this arguing is stupid. We will certainly find out within a year what the answer is.

Look at the chart in post #18. The “jawboning” of the past didn’t have the current numbers to back it up. I am not saying we will definately be there in a year but, if things don’t change in a big way we just might be there.

Eh? Are you sure? It is like -0.5% for 3 mo. period and +0.2% for 12 no ?

wow I actually agree with you for once. I think Hell just froze over lol.

On a seasonally adjusted basis, the CPI for Urban Wage Earners and
Clerical Workers increased 0.4 percent in February.

Compared to what?

i’m not going to bother reading what you guys typed since it’s getting too hard to figure out who is an idiot and who isn’t… the line is blurred because people are right on accident now…


the subject in the article is several years in the making. What’s more is that it doesn’t just ‘happen’. And by that i mean the raising of the subject, not the actual dumping of the US dollar as the reserve currency.

Your collective perception of the situation and how information becomes available is carefully engineered.

If this subject being brought up with the UN caught the wrong people off guard the people doing the off-guarding would be caught without their guards and offed… ya feel?