Import Alliance Fifthtennial 2010. July 17-18th

IDK she says she wants to go but i might be flyin solo dolo you knoww… ahah

She can ride with me… we’ll split the gas :rofl

ohh get somee

bump because i’ve been looking at this thread for the past 15 minutes :rofl

anybody have any insight on good hotels?

this look pretty boss wherever it is:

^looks like two really close together from that pic lol

^googled that holiday in and its ~$100/night for one room, i’m sure we could cram 4-5 people in a room

edit: the laquinta is $195 for THE WHOLE WEEKEND (friday night through monday morning) for a room :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao works for me

Not staying with you…

  1. you’re a dope
  2. you use the word “boss” as an adjective

fixed :thumbup

I dunno about being around that many Honda people at once… could get interesting.

Tell me how you really feel.

Anyone who can afford a hotel shouldn’t be much of a problem lol

We should probably get this worked out soon. Is that pool posted 24/7, in case we pick up some honeys.

I’ll do more research over the weekend as to if the el quinta thing is a good spot or if another spot would be better. The thing that is getting me is that there seems to be no “central location” to everybody, like Waterfest has a “strip” a little bit and at H2O EVERYONE is on the “strip”, this seems to be way more spread out after the show. I dunno, I’ll figure it out.


quote from h/t on the laquinta

it was good meeting alot of you fools at the laquinta. I think the nights at that hotel made the trip, i mean the meet was fun, but the hotel was an absolute blast.

^other people said that too i just forgot to quote it. what people are saying plus the price is putting this at the #1 spot in my mind right now.

double edit:

searched that thread for “laquinta” and i guess its just an epic party spot in both a good way and a bad way haha

saturday night '09:

IA was soooo much fun and La Quinta was freakin crazy…The lady at the front desk said that they’re not having anyone stay there next year! That parking lot was TRASHED!!

Word, the nightly La Quinta meets were probably as much fun as IA itself. The uber-close proximity of Jack in the Box helps, too.

la quinta 6th floor is where its at

Whatever crew was in the pool with the walrus at the La Quinta had me rolling! I have no clue how the cops did not get called! That hotel was defiantly not psyched on everybody, but face it… probably the most business they have had in a long time.

that 1st night some guy came out at like 3am “are ya gunna gunna shut up or am i gunna have to call the main desk” we looked at him n laughed. next night ended at like 4am thats wen mr.west got taken in. saturday ended at almost 5? wen the cop came n kicked every1

I checked in the morning after those guys arrived and la Quinta gave me a discount because they had to put me on the 6th floor. “I hope you don’t mind the noise. Those kids partied until 3am last night and have loud Hondas.”

I don’t know which room it was, but I popped in one of those on the 6th floor at La Quinta to get some shots of the back parking lot. All I gotta say is you NY/NJ guys are freaking crazy/awesome.


lol there was a central place. it was called the la quinta. and that ish was POPPin all night! parties, hanging out, killer street races, people, pool, it was nuts!!!

Sounds like the place to be to me. They said the cops just told everyone who was staying at the hotel to go inside and kicked everyone else out of the parking lot, no arrests/fights/drama.

Any opinions?

oh and link to laquinta, 1 room, Fri night-mon morning:

i’ve got a badass air mattress so dibs on a floor spot :lol

triple edit:

from laquinta saturday night :rofl :rofl

Looking like we need to stay at la quinta. Nice find kramer

I’ll start an official list I guess:

  1. LKSi
  2. K20power
  3. kramerbuccs24
  4. dkid15

Those are the only people that I think are 100.000%, copy and paste the list and add yourself so we can figure out hotel shit ASAP

Yeah, but I’m not staying at some shitty la quinta.

This is also April, I feel like there will be quite a few people backing out as it gets closer

What’s your suggestion then?? 4 people in a room in the laquinta (2 beds, air mattress and couch) is $50 per person for the entire weekend. You guys are gonna end up dropping BANK on a marginally nicer hotel and end up further from the action just like H2OI :lmao

I don’t really care, me, dkid, caz and jiggs/raj would fill up a laquinta room no problem.

oh and LOL

more laquinta, havent seen another hotel mentioned more than once…

sunday morning :rofl :rofl


(hb420)Last summer at the laquinta was great but never again would i stay there. To much drama, trash and cops lol. That place was ruined last year, plus there was almost a brawl the last night we all stayed there and i don’t think they would let anyone stay there if they say anything about ia or hondas lol. And to top it of we pretty much fishbowled the entire 6th floor No one from the northeast caravanhas no intention of even trying to stay there again lol. I almost forgot about the dumb ass little kids that sprayed a fire exstinguisher and set off the fire alarm so there were firetrucks there to lol

(csmiths98AV6)f that, laquinta is where its at. it was the same way the year before. If you dont act like a fool and listen to the cops when they come then you wont have any issues. I had more fun at the hotel than the meet.

(hb420)We can’t help it if little kids that we don’t know do dumb shit and ruin it for everyone else. The hotel was insanely fun with all the people. The cops just circled alot and never confronted anyone i went with but when those kids did that shit to set off the fire alarm they were not happy at all. Don’t get me wrong i’ll go there next year to party and chill but just won’t stay there. Plus coming out to beer bottles on your car in the morning kind of sucks to.

(csmiths98AV6)well the people that stayed at the marriot across the street go their cars broken into. at least at laquinta there was people up at all hours of the night so no shady shit went down. and nothing bad happened to anyone’s actual car, but people are going to be immature/stupid regardless. especially with alcohol. i wont be missing out at the laquinta party this year. thats for sure.

just finished reading through all 90 pgs of IA’09 on hondatech and its still sounding like laquinta is the place to be overall

I am in to still go !. Just figure out where the fuck to stay thats not too expensive

word… me and caitlin carrow just booked our hotel room, can’t wait

