Import vs Domestic

What kind of car do you have?

Both, if everything pans out.

i drive and work on anything pretty much

Nissan, Audi, Ford

Chevy, Nissan, Honda
(and Harley-Davidson)

2 Pontiacs

1 Nissan, and I was recently mandated to get registration for my cock (once its over a certain size, you have to), so I guess you’d call that a domestic.


pontiac and chevy. but the chevy kinda fits more with the import/sport compact crowd

Swedish truck


acura, acura and an acura

Subaru, Acura, Mazda all from the land of the rising sun

honda,honda,honda,acura,and a jeep

toyota x2

honda and a mazda

Ford, Ford, Ford, and company truck is GMC.

all bout da bimmers.


ford what?

arent you die hard gm now?