**IMPORTANT!!! SoLowXtreme had a wreck**

Get well soon man.

I stopped at Mercy & saw him yesterday. It was around noon. At that time they had not told him exactly what was broke. They thought maybe broken kneecap or tibula. He was in alot of pain & they were giving him Morphine. He has some head injuries. He was a little disoriented, but knew exactly who I was when I walked in the room. It was room 7221, I believe.

He sent me a text message at 6am yesterday, but I did not get it until about 8:30am. I tried texting him back but got no answer. He said his phone died. I was in town around lunchtime, so I decided to stop & see him. His mother & step dad were there with him. He really had no clue where the accident happened, but he remembered passing the waterfont sign. He said he might of hit two light poles & took out the power for several blocks of Duquesne. It supposedly made the news.

Lets all hope he has full recovery.

sorry to hear. get well soon though!!

Good job ToD,did u :kiss: him for me?

yes, i hope he makes a full recovery

i guess the truck is totalled??

hope he is ok and makes a full recovery

mini’s never die they just get rebuilt better:) Chris i know i really don’t know you that well but if i can help in any way with a rebuild just ask.

does anybody know what caused the wreck?

He really did not know the condition of his truck. He did tell me the cop tried to break the driver’s window to help him get out, but Chris wouldn’t have that. He told the cop he would crawl out the pass window. At the time I saw him, he had no clue where his truck even was. He said someone told him it was pretty bad, though.

Brian: I didn’t give him no smoochies for ya…sorry.

WOW thanks guys i never expected to see all this when i returned…

:love: :grouphug:

i have a fractured tibula & stiches in my head…i hit a telephone pole head on i was told…the truck is prob totaled, it is on my property now in North Huntingdone covered up behind my work…i was told the motor got pushed into the firewall & not sure what else really but its bad

Todd thanks again man for stopping in and checking on me that was really cool of you

and Dan(burnyd) thanks for the phone call

and having a fractured tibula is THE absolute most painful thing i have ever felt in my entire life and i have had my share of surgerys in the past and this tops them all…

no thanks to me,mk

thanks … :love: :kiss:

just glad ur ok,

Get well soon. Hope all goes well.


Hope the recovery goes fast and smooth, get well soon!

Probably hat to think about it, but you were parked around the corner from me, and I actually stopped to check out your truck, think it was looking pretty decent. ( my thought was actually there’s a mini I could drive…)

Good luck on the truck’s recovery as well

glad to hear your alright, get well soon bud

No prob bro…