Impossible quiz.

I’m not kidding :wow

Hope you don’t have A.D.D, it’s no joke :mwahaha

wow thats annoying

up to question 75 then died again BLAH, will play again tomorrow lol

yah… 76here, then died. :tong

Ya had to be that guy.

I’m amazed Swifty got passed level 69, that number usually means game over for him :wow

hey vlad go ride a bike around a turn. k thanks :lol

lmao at question 4

I got to like 30something… HOW DID YOU MANAGE 76!?

keep trying over and over, sucks when you die on 76, cause u are like FUCK!@K@#$@!!! and gotta click the other 75 answers over again, for the 37,000th time.


So who’s is the leading champ to beat at the moment?

not sure, i cant figure 76 out. i’ve clicked all the answers, like 3 times each… and everything else that i can, i duno what to do and its a pain in the ass to get there.

How do you get past 65? The one with the meteors and the timer “its the end of the world!” It’s pissing me off :headbang

Haha that one was a pain, caused some aggravation.

It’s the exclamation point…like the second sentence I think.

sweet, thank you! haha

Anyone get to #81?