In crashes own you

Ive seen a lot of crashes on youtube from dash cams in Russia but this video is pretty crazy. Almost all of these could have been avoided if their speed was reduced / knew how to drive

Ugh… this is #27. So wish I had less to do this afternoon.

Bookmarked. :slight_smile:

2:00. what the fuck just happened?

HOLY SHIT the bike at 2:50

1:12 lol

the last one hurt

I missed the time but holy shit at the guy in the blue semi/box truck that dismounted out of the truck and landed on his feet.

I liked the truck that didn’t get hit casually backed into the person behind

So scary… insane.

I watched all of them last night… Some repeats but pretty good.

wtf is the deal here i know the US is full of retards but this puts us to shame

2:05, holy shit

EDIT: Hearing the reactions in Russian are pretty funny

i lol’ed a bit at 40 sec’s when the 2 cars that weren’t involved in the accident ended up backing into each other to avoid the mess.


I wonder if DUI is illegal…or encouraged over there?

Some of these crashes… wtf?

---------- Post added at 02:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:14 AM ----------

we have twice the population, and the ~same traffic fatalities per year as russia

Last year traffic fatalities:

India: 133k
China: 68K
Russia: 26K

After watching these, I have come to a conclusion.

A) Don’t live in Russia
B) Drive a large truck everywhere
C) An old truck that you don’t care about.


where does one go to get a dash cam like they use over there?

yea india is terrible for accidents…they are nuts there

my brother bought a dash cam on amazon…pretty cheap and works well

A good friend of mine when to India last year and said the roads there were just insane. No sense of traffic laws at all.

The laws in India and most of the USSR are kind of like walking. You just make it happen haha, if you ever experience it, its totally nuts.