In Soviet Russia - jails are SRS.

Take your time, worth a watch. Amazing how different discipline and protocol is.

Even if you have time to watch part1 about the first jail, you can do just that.

They not only hold but completely demoralize. These places make death seem like a goal.






Your on a roll today with the finds.

My parents don’t watch TV, but will enjoy these :lol.

holy shit

No, Thanks. Would smash my head on bars.

Fucking gave a friend parts of the dudes body and they fed it to the family without knowing. What a sick fuck

And he was laughing the whole time talking about it…that dude was FUCKED UP. He needs to just be physically tortured for the rest of his life.

Our jails are a country club once ya get by county . I.m.o our jails are a waste of time cause we alowed to do everything we could just behind walls . Jail isn’t what it should be in the states . My worst time in was doing 4 weeks of solitary confinement !!! 23 hr lockdown nothing but 4 walls and sounds your brain makes ya think ya heard after the first 8 hrs lol pure mental hell .

Saw that program on NatGeo and they’re no joke. No friggin’ HBO and rec. time there.

Lol at Russia’s murder rate 5x more than the US

People = moar poor = moar murder

Simple as that.

They don’t have the rights that we do over here, hence the seriousness.

If you are in jail for murder, you should have ZERO right. You should be treated like a barbaric animal, because that’s what you are.

Dude really ? Jail is one bad decision away from anyone . Don’t act like u couldn’t kill !!! Ya walk in a see your fiance gettin plowed out by Sbardy u wouldn’t wanna kill em ?


No. I wouldn’t kill anyone for anything. That’s just me though.

If I walked in on my wife or something like that…I may get into a fight, but I sure as hell wouldn’t kill someone over cheating. Killing someone isn’t the answer to anything.

And killing is different from murder. You could kill someone in self defense…or you could kill someone/murder someone in cold blood. THOSE people (the latter) are the ones that don’t deserve ANY sympathy…at least in my book. Like the guy in the clips who ate the person he killed. Really? Come on.

But anyway…

You could kill someone by accident in a fight… boom, manslaughter

That’s different from the predetermined ‘I’m going to kill you because you did something to me a while ago and then I’ll bury your body or eat it’ type that I’m referring to.

That’s all I’m saying.

Yeah save the special severe treatment for rapists and child molesters. You can’t get in a bar fight and accidentally rape someone. Or walk in on the wife cheating and in the heat of the moment molest a little kid.

Very true ^^^ normally if a sexual freak goes in and there not to smart jail politics normally give him severe treatments . If he is lucky its just routine beatings but I remember one goon being proud of sodimizing a 13 yr old he got beet and anal raped a few times he ended up with a blue waffle looking asshole . He ended really hurt and sick from it .I could tell some stories about jail rules but I’m sure ya guys don’t wanna

In china if you are caught trafficking drugs like heroin the punishment is often the death penalty.

^This, Everyone is one good fight away from jail these days.

really? solatary doesn’t seem that bad to me, pretty much how i spend my life anyway lol. but no beer and no tv would make me something something. I’m guessing you don’t get a tv?

agreed. It seemed so easy to stay out of trouble with the law growing up, then i started drinking and druging lol.