Anyone see the front page of the news?

i cant believe some people. if u go to jail, dont expect it to be a vacation. dont expect it to be clean (think of the people that go to jail and u will understand why). dont expect the gaurds to be nice. these guys deal with the trash of buffalo daily, would you be all smiles and sunshine?

the one sherif said it best “if you dont want to be there dont lead a life that will get u in there”

i agree with them on the problem of medical attention and whatnot, but the fact that they are complaining about sleeping on the floor, i dont know what these people expected it to be like.

this coming from someone who has been there

lols… <----- has the article on there for those not in possestion of the paper


the one warden in arizona has it down pat

inmates sleeping in tents the the yard, the pay sux, pink undies for everyone, only educational crap on tv

he has the lowest return rate in the country for paroled inmates and noone complains about being in prison because depite evrything else, he respects the inmates like they are free men that hes talking to on the street
