Wendy Correctional

I am in the process of taking a job in the Infirmary at Wendy Correctional. Does anyone know anyone who works anywhere in the prison or that has worked there?

My current boss keeps telling me that the job is not worth the increased pay and benefits because of the dangers. After hearing this from more than just a few people it’s really starting to weigh on my mind whether or not I should actually take the job.

Thoughts? Discussion?

How are the insurance benefits? How much of a pay increase are we talking here? 10%? 20%?

Let’s face it, you could get shanked and possibly die. The possibilities are probably low but it still could happen. Do you have a family that relies on you? All those things you have to consider.

I was a contractor for the county. We managed the network and the network went into the prisons therefore we had to go there. It was a shitty scene. Some of the guards loved it and talked down to all the prisoners. I saw it as shitty. Ive seen people in booking take shits on floors, throw semen and piss through the bars at the guards, talked shit to, and even been attacked. Getting shanked and dying isn’t really a huge issue in county prisons from my expierence however, getting AIDS or other diseases from prisoners throwing body fluids is. One lady was with us had a inmate jerk off in front of her and throw his semen at her.

My ex girlfriends dad has been a prison guard at Attica for years too and its odd hours and shit work environment. With any prison, you are dealing with the scum of the earth who basically do not give a fuck about you or what happens to you. Some cases being in prison is the best life they are going to see so if something happens to you, whatever.

I think its a shit job but ultimately, if you like working there then its for you.

i would take the current department out to lunch and ask them how it really is…

I had a professor that used to work at Wende, Donna Zimpher. She left and went to Lake View Shock. Her husband is pretty high up in NYS corrections and from what I hear it isn’t all that bad for being a MAX.

Infirmary will be hit and miss on any day. You get people that want their meds and its easy, but if they don’t it’s a disaster. The most dangerous part is not getting diseases not the inmates themselves.

I can think of better ways of making a living. Like being a sharp-stick-in-the-eye tester.

Mental & Physical Health > Money

Can you tell them you’re concerned about your work environment and would like to shadow someone for half a day before you make your decision?

I have a friend in corrections who worked at Wendy for a few months. He hated it compared to the first place he was at and as soon as he could transfered to 5 points.

My friend worked there, hated it and went back to his old job which paid less…He said they were animals…I think that job is good for some people, not good for many…have a back up plan lol.

I completly agree with you James. I don’t think someone could pay me enough to work there.

I know a couple people in there. If you give them some cigs they’ll watch your back.

I think its something like 80% of inmates have some kind disease. Other then maybe bringing something home to your wife and kids, it seems like a good job.

i’d be more worried about getting aids in a prison, from a lifer trying to take you down, rather than just getting shanked.

either way it takes a brass set to work in a prison.

  • Wende

Id be worried about working in a correctional facility in a fast food joint. :ohnoes:

Sorry, couldn’t resist. :smiley:

I aunt works there and hates it. She says the people that work there are all miserable and she hates working with the inmates.

OK, don’t listen to everything you hear. The job is NOT for everybody. But it’s a good fucking job especially for this area. All these people you hear who say they hate it…well, that’s just because it’s repetative and you work with shitheads. All depends on how you percieve the job. If you want a challenging job, it’s not for you. It is a very simple job with good pay because of what “could” happen. Just don’t become too lazy and forget where you are when you’re there. The amount of work you will actually do in any given shift is not too much. However there are those days where you “earn” your paycheck. I’ve been with the county for almost a year and have only been rolling around with inmates 3 times. Don’t believe the hype of it being a shit job. It’s a great job providing you have the head for it.


I know two people that do it and both of them like it. I agree with the people that say it would take a certain type of person as all jobs do when you really think about it. Does that mean its a shit job ummmm hell no man. Some of us like to keep life a bit more interesting then others is all. If the pay is good I would do it for sure.

i go visit bubba from time to time. we do a lot of work on the prison buses. little tidbit

A friend has been a CO for ~9 years.

He did 2+ yrs at Wende*, 2nd & 1st shift iirc.

He hated it there compared to two other places.

The pay is decent, I believe he was making high 40s annual.

He was stabbed once, and injured in two fights, though not seriously.

Its not for everyone.