Wendy Correctional

I know 2 guys that work there. One is a mirine in their special forces or some shit, the other was in the army and was in desert storm. Once in a while I see them with broken hands and shit from beating 3-4 guys to a pulp. It all depends on which block you work in. We have guys come to the firehall alot for community service that are in wendy. They are mostly dwi’s and shit. Really nice guys…just made some stupid decisions. They also have like cropts and bloods and shit in there. My friend Daryl (the marine) had broken like 4 bones in his right hand after 3 bloods jumped him and he sent them all the the er, one in critical condition lol. Doesnt help that it was a few months after he got back from Iraq and had seen a ton of combat…so he was still in kill mode…although with him he never really turns it off…kinda freaky sometimes. He has that look in his eyes like he has no soul and will snap and rip out your heart and eat it kinda thing.

You must not have taken your meds when you wrote this.

For one its a big fucking block with no structure to it at all. second the spelling is the worst i have seen, and i am not even that good at spelling. This by far takes the cake when it comes to spelling errors.

also what are the cropts?

Nick if you wanna work there just remember to bring your shank and keep cover over your butt hole.

I could not imagine working in a prison. Fuck that.

alright i work for the state and to be on the nursing STAFF is not bad at all there plenty of security and for one they trust there lives in your hands… so count on them not going off on you… for one the realism of aids and other crazy shit is true watch what you do and always take in consideration where you are and you will be fine. one thing to point out is that wende is a reception center which recieves draft inmates in which have been checked out by drafting facilities. any questions about the prisons you can message me i know about them cause i work in them.

:lol: i know…im gonna take the job…just waiting for the call…who are you and how do u know my name?

:lol: Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck no


Yeah, and?

Give me your lunch money.

STFU noob. Who the hell are you to talk shit about me? DIAF.


but GED, no experience, early 20s, etc etc.

For sure but understand also that this line of work is just what some people are cut out for. Everyone is different but that dosent mean someone is stupid because they take this job or that they take it as a last resort or whatever. Think of all of your military, police, firefighters, not all of these people do it as a last resort i promise.

I dunno personally I’d consider being a police officer, but never a corrections officer. Not countering what you said, just my opinion.

Had a female teacher before that worked at Brocton correctional… I’d take the job… you’ll never be bored…and the overtime rocks

Mrs. Karus

No man thats perfect thats the point, Everyone is different is all. No biggie.

It’s funny you say that…I think just the opposite. Well, I’d kinda like to be on the road but I don’t think it’s my cup of tea.

I wouldn’t mind being a cop on the road but I don’t think I could ever be a CO. I think I’d want to kill to many of then dirt balls.

I am not a fan of corrections. After taking a pretty in depth tour of Attica there is no way in hell I would be a C.O. Some people like the idea of it but you have to have the right mindset.

Plenty of overtime, good benefits, and can retire in 20 years. Not bad if you can accept the fact you are locked up as well.

Edit: Renzo you wouldn’t mess with a single inmate. You are outnumber 40:1 most of the time, and these guys are twice the size of you.

Herein lies the problem. Prison is something I’d like to avoid altogether, not spend half my week in.

never implied that they did.

I actually respect authority figures… :wink: Besides, its a service done for the community.

yes, there are stereotypical assholes, but that comes with all fields of work.