
I heard they make good money and not many hours, but get paid for 40. Anyone ever a garbageman?

sounds like a shitty job that could get you poked with dirty needles.
I’m sure it has good healthcare tho.

Reach for your dreams!

God, I don’t even like taking my own trash out when it’s been roasting in the sun for a week. Not to mention they have a high death rate via getting hit by cars.

this could possibly be the new thread of the year… sooooo much possibility


my budday is a garbageman in NYC

he just bought a $350k house in Long Island. Not a bad gig for people who can’t hack it in college.

Just looking for something that pays a bit more the 8/hr while going to college, and my friends cleans on portapottys which seems worse to me.

With the fully automated trucks they have now, I bet it’s not that bad of a gig. Back when they used to have to come all the way up to my house, pick up and carry my 25gal bins all the way to the truck and dump them by hand… not so much.

Remember if anyone asks, you’re a sanitation engineer!!

my friend did that job just to fuck around… well lets just say he lasted about 3 weeks… he says you cant clean the smell off of you lol… good luck…

Yeah I think they are $20+ and hr

LOL nice.

I like refuse relocation engineer. Someone has to do it so I say go for it and let us know the details of the job.


Aim low and youll never be dissapointed

you will have have unlimited parts for your car

i cant think of another board member more fitting to create this thread.


lol at LZ
