I've created my own prison

In Hagerstown, MD…

Company down here has gone out of control. Working 6 12 hour shifts a week, with no option for time off, or to even go home early. They have also stated that if anyone calls in sick, they are getting fired. Fuck, I tried to get a day off next week because I NEED to come home to do something, and they said no way, I even offered to work my day off the following week to make the hours up. Basically, it’s to try to get 2 airplanes out that they are way behind on.

Once the planes make it out late, I look forward to getting laid off and coming home. As nice as the big money is, I’d rather have my life back!

Hey at least you seem to have a way out after you get the big money… Lot of people don’t even have the same opportunity, not to mention some work just as many hours as you do for nowhere near what you are probably making…

Yeah sometimes the big paycheck is not everything. Hang in there for now… Then get the planes out, get that severance, and then the Gallardo… That should help ease “the pain”

Amen. It sucks. Just think that you could be doing the same hours doing 10$ an hour. Your prison will suddenly turn into heaven.

Not for me. Would lose my sanity. Good luck out there.

Sounds like a shitty work environment.

FUCK THAT!!! ill take a mediocre pay with a great social life over great pay and fucking hookers anyday.

Social life sucks when you’re broke.

yes but…read my post. i never said anything about being broke.

Sounds a lot like a creed song to me…

u listen to creed???

<---- is no longer associating with 99FRC

Haha. I hate creed. I just know that one of his songs or albumns or something is called My Own Prison.

lol that was the first thing that came into my mind when i read this thread title.

Same here man, just gonna pay off teh Vette, come home and take whatever comes my way. Seriously, fuck this.

Yea boo hoo no cares supra god

Ha. I can tell you have had what, like 3 beers?:haha

there was a party at sullys, so chances are, he had a couple or 10.