Working weekends: Blows

This is the first weekend I’ve had to work in over a year, well literally work in the office…and it sucks. :uhh:

FYI: This is 7.30-6 MTWTFSSMTWTF for me these two weeks. :tantrum:

Oh well, I guess it shows a slight pick up in business, plus it looks good for me. Its still gay. :lol:

So all you weekend workers chime in.

ugh, i have to work every other weekend. i don’t like getting up early on saturdays. oh well, gotta make money somehow.

i work 11pm-7am with tuesday and wednesday off (which translates into having monday night and tuesday night off.) i don’t want to hear it.


I didn’t have a friday or saturday night off for 3+ years once. :frowning:

Stupid restaurant hours blow, this is a good reason to get educumacated.

btw are you salary? that’d suck 100x as much

Yup salary…


I’m here with the head of engineering, and I told him I have two baby seals in my trunk along with a baseball bat. He says, “Good, at least we can make two creatures more miserable then us this weekend.” :lol:

Less time to waste money :slight_smile:

i used to work friday and saturday nights… and it was at an ER so i got to see all the drunk college student stumble in… while i worked.

I dont miss weekends or nights…

:frowning: sorry dude. I sympathize

I put my time in, worked 2 years straight weekends and nights.

Now I technically am 24/7/365 for work but nothing happens on the weekends.

I had to go in to the office for 4 hours this morning, and I have about 5 hours of work that I have to have done this weekend for monday morning. I agree that it sucks, but I have always believed and have to this point proven that those who give the extra effort receive their just rewards in the end. My account base has expanded mostly to my boss handing me what I ask for, I tried to resign to take another job, they gave me a 17% salary increase and doubled my monthly bonus just to keep me on board.

You are doing exactly what someone who is/wants to be successful would do, sure it sucks ass, but it never sucks to look back at those that you have climbed over due to your hard work and perseverance.


I’d like to go to work, i’m f’in bored

Thank god I am hourly.

I work 53hrs a week. m-sat with every 5th sat off. I like my job alot though so that’s all that matters, it doesn’t really feel like work.

Whenever I get annoyed at working and going to school fulltime I just think of my father who works a 68+ hour workweek.

I just worked 11pm last night until 3pm today, got home at 3:30 and back up at 7p

I have worked every weekend and holiday (yes even xmas) since I started my job 3yrs ago

ummm lets see here…

mon- 11-9
thurs 9-9
friday 9-7
sat- 830-5
sun- 10-4

now i work 100% comission selling rv’s so you know those hours dont mean shit and i always end up working well past my scheduled time and most of the time its for nothing.

Customers have no respect and feel that its completely normal to keep me there past closing time just to tell me that they want to go home and think about it.

I can’t remember the last weekend I didn’t work :frowning:

i work open to 5 every saturday.
it blows.

I work almost every weekends for 13+ years…since hight school and thru college. I hated it but i’m still doing it now.