How many hours do you work/week?



3 12 hour shift in a row then 4 days off!!!

Probably around 55-65

Mix of field work and office work in the house



The most i ever worked in 1 week was 84.A 30 hour shift and a 24 hour shift.That was the october storm.Normally 40 though.

it all depends… but mostly 45-55

40-50. OT FTW…

about 43… no OT ftl… work just expects you to waste your life away… gayyyy.

during the summer 60 +
winter 15-30

eh, about 55

A Fuck ton.

40-50 for my job
when spring rolls around, tack on more hours for detailing

i voted 16-30, because i work a paying job ~28 hours a week, but if you add school in there, id say that puts it over 40 easily.

school does NOT count as work

usually 50-60 … lately i’ve been working 70+ though :frowning:

which is why i only voted for the number of hours i work at a paying job.

40 hours, 2 jobs and school full time because i love being busy

55-65, depending on deadlines