How many hours do you work/week?

40-50 iwhenever there is no school… during school it varies with how much available time i have. next semester it will be around 20

Zero. :slight_smile:

I’m at work for 37.5/week. Salary FTW

40 to 50 for my primary job. Then 15 to 20+ for my second job. The last few weeks have all been over 60 hours each. This Friday will be my first day off since the week before Thanksgiving. :bloated:


i’m salary, but i can get overtime. go figure.


37.5 here also what gov do you work for Jack?

I’m supposed to work ~37 hours a week but based on when I show up and the long lunches it works out to ~32ish. Another thumbs up to salaried jobs. Half-day Fridays year round get kindof old though…:biglaugh:


sometimes 40-50

50-52 usually…

Usually 75-85, sometimes it creeps up near 90. I think I have everyone beat.

If its slow (mid summer), I’m out at 40 or under. During budget time and year end its usually 50-60+ depending on what needs to get done. Executive committee and general board meetings > me.

60 winter, 70+ otherwise.

39.5. can’t go into overtime.

way more when you factor in school though.

41-50 usually on the low end.

soon to be 60+ if i get that damn 2nd job.

40-50 when school is done

30-35 during school


that gone change sune

40-45…have trouble staying in the office past 5.

Almost always 40, sometimes a bit less.

Should I have included my side work I do from home? I have almost no idea how many hours I add with that.