labor laws

can someone correct me if i’m wrong, but isn’t full time in nys a minimum of 32 hrs?

I always thought it was 40… it is at both places i work… ?

I work 32-40 hours a week at tops for the last 3 years and I’m still part-time.

Maybe it’s different for salaried office jobs though. :gotme:

:werd:… not positive though

reason i ask is i’ve been full time at my job for almost 3 yrs now, and they tried pulling some bullshit that i only work 22 hrs a week for the next month. theres a few others in the same boat so i’m wondering what i can do on my end legally

When I worked at a grocery store anything over 32hrs was OT(since I was part-time), but that was about 5 years ago and I dont know what has changed since then.

do you have unemployment insurance? If so, if they’re making you work only 3 days when you’re supposedly full-time, you can try to collect unemployment.

at circuit city you have to be at 32 hours to be considered full time and get benefits

right, so doesn’t that mean i should be getting a minimum of 32 hrs?

^^ technically, yes but since you don’t have a contract they don’t really HAVE to legally give you any hours.

i just wish they’d fire me so i could go on unemployment… lol

That would be sweet, for a while a friend of mine was making $550 a week sitting on his ass on unemployment, i was envious to say the least.

it’s an average of 32 hours per month i think

37.5 hours worth of work a week for me. Add the hour lunch every day that I’m not paid for and I’m there 42.5 hours a week.

tell nick to fire u then… it could work

i would find unemployment so boring.

sounds like you need to man up and find a new job jay :stuck_out_tongue:

after 38 hrs for me i get OT…

The law definied minimum is 40 hours a week to be considered a full time employee. it’s at the employers discretion to consider a less amount of time for full time status.

Are you sure he was collecting $550? The most you can collect from nys is $405 a week.

Usually employers make you work at least 32 to get benefits but that doesn’t mean they MUST give you 32.
No company in NYS HAS to give you any hours, it is totally up the company how many they let you work.