So how do you collect/file unemployment?

so my dad shut down his restaurant for remodeling for a couple months and i was wondering how to collect unemployment because i work full time at my unpaid internship and dont have time to get a job at the moment. just wondering if anyone has done this or is this worth my time? i was a manager and made a decent wage, how much do you get paid? full or a percentage of your wage? thanks for any and all help…

it all depends. You have to work at least 26 weeks in a year and then they take your highest paying quarter, devide that ammount by 10, and you get half of that ammount. So basicly you’re getting approximately half of your normal wage in your highest paid quarter. I’m not sure if you can go on it if you are doing an unpaid internship. I would go to the unemployment office in the transittown plaza off main and transit and ask. They could tell you all the stipulations and whatnot.

I did it all through the website. Easy as hell, screw driving anywhere!

Then, every monday you have to go online and update them with some basic answers like “Did you work this week?”

you can even get direct deposit set up after one week of payment (on week three)

first week, you apply. Second, you acrue hours. Third, you get paid for week 2. The last week, when you work, you get the check from the following week (Bonus)

i think my pay checks would be like $5 if your calculation is correct… lol

So you make approximately $33/month right now?

Thats not how it works

they take your highest quarter, divide by 26 and thats it

so say you make 3500 in that quarter, you would receive 135 dollars a week

I made 8 dollars an hours, worked ~25-30 hours a week and was given 168 a week.

Did you vote for Obama?

If not…then you can’t collect.



plus taxes

i was making 12.50/hour at one point and my weekly check from unemployment was 268.00. Also, just go through the website:

it’s pretty easy. good luck

Do it sunday and you get your money by tuesday :wink:

Another option would be to find another job…

Are they still using the unemployment debit card, or do they finally have direct deposit?

About 2 years ago when I wasn’t working, I would have to drive to some ghetto gas station with an allpoint ATM to take out money from the state ATM card.

you can do either a debit card or DD. I use the debit card.

i drew ny unemployment when i got out of the army on Bush Sr.'s work rehabilitation program, as long as i stayed in school and ny didn’t run out of $$ (they did once) i could continue to draw. i had to call in since they didn’t have the online crap, they didn’t have DD yet, so i got paper checks that were returned every 2 or 3 weeks and reissued b/c they couldn’t remail, they had to shred if they got them back, or wait 3 weeks for them to realize they were lost and i could claim again. almost more work than it was worth but i was in tech school full time and there wasn’t much time for anything else.

so I take it your dad owns route 5 restaurant? I see your SRT there all the time, and your Talon was for sale out front.

Yep internet makes it easy, they may require you to call to finalize it which is no big deal. You can claim your benefits on sunday btw, might help you get it faster. I also set up direct deposit right away and have had every check deposited this way, they did not require me to wait one week.