Want to find a job off the books

Well i just found out that im getting laid off from the Post Office in 2 weeks. So if i cant get a job at the Sorrento plant or Derrick i want to do something while i collect unemployment.

So if anyone knows anything feel free to let me know by pm or in this thread.

Also if you know of a place hiring with decent pay and all the overtime i want to work that would also be helpful. Thanks

j/w What did you do at the post office?

My job title was mail handler. I work at the Buffalo plant on william. Mostly loaded and unloaded trucks.

good luck at derrick…its not looking to good at the plant

yea, they wont even give out overtime anymore. unless your a welder.

How can the Post Office lay off people now? This is the busiest time of the year.

Obama will be here shortly to save you :slight_smile:

You want to work off the books and collect welfare?

On behalf of those of us who contribute to this society and would be paying your welfare check: die.

that sucks, no snowmobile for you then…


sell coke?


I personally wouldn’t even post anything like that on a public forum. Tax evasion is bad um-kay

You want to work off the books and collect welfare?

On behalf of those of us who contribute to this society and would be paying your welfare check: die.


Obama will be here shortly to save you

Slap a plow on that '97 Explorer you have for sale and try not to blow it up.

word. up.

get a job and pay fucking taxes.

If you are collecting unemployment, and are caught working off the books, or are caught not looking for a job, you will have to pay back ALL of your unemployment.
Trust me, it happened to my friend.

good. man that is such fucking horseshit.

i lose half of my god damn pay check to the gov because of the fact i have to pay for poor people that don’t want to work.

then if i get laid off i get $400 a week after I have been paying them over a grand a check? jesus christ.

edit: i feel like anthony cumia.


lol martyr me dummies… MARTYR ME

50/50 partner. i should get a house vote.