Looking for Work???


The 10 worst cities to find a job:

Job Openings : Unemployed People

  1. Buffalo, NY (1:6)
  2. Orlando, FL (1:6)
  3. Sacramento, CA (1:6)
  4. Rochester, NY (1:6)
  5. Chicago, IL (1:7)
  6. Portland, OR (1:7)
  7. Los Angeles, CA (1:8)
  8. Riverside, CA (1:9)
  9. Miami, FL (1:10)
  10. Detroit, MI (1:18)

If you’re unemployed what are you plans?

i have a job but Im looking for something better. I see jobs for the unemployed. nothing paying worth a damn but I see jobs

In the end sometimes, a job is a job. If the pay sucks, at least your making something rather then nothing.

Hence why I moved I guess. I could have stuck around the rest of this summer but why chance it.

Not surprising. Most likely grad school for engineering

Nothing shaping up here like my job I was let go from. Sigh. Still looking.

Hopefully shit works out and I end up stayin’ with a buddy in South Carolina this winter because finding a job worth having is almost impossible around here. I went from doing graphic design fulltime to an inconsistent roofing job and random temp jobs over the years. It’s killing me financially and mentally.

That’s fucking shit. I have always had 2-3 jobs. That’s bullshit. You just need to get creative.

holy blast from the past

It’s not saying much. NY has unemployed people that enjoy welfare and don’t want jobs.

Once you’ve been unemployed long enough or aren’t considered looking for a job, you stop counting in the unemployed list. Those people aren’t even reflected in this.

Oh word

Here is a US List - Buffalo in here


I am employed but I am looking for something better

People just need to put the ego away and take an average job until they get what they want.

Even if they did do that, 5/6 people still couldn’t find jobs, thats was the point of his post…

The point of this post would be correct if every unemployed person was actually looking for a job.

Put your own money where your mouth is. You take a 50% paycut and see if you still desire putting in 40 hours a week. Especially given how the unemployed can ride this recession out and stalk hopefully better times (fingers crossed for the whole nation).

Most of us have paid into the system for quite some time and should have no shame in holding out for fairly COMPARABLE work in terms of pay and job duties. If nothing else…I’ve paid for 15+ years, and will continue to have to pay into social security which I’ll never see a dime from. This is a rebate check in a way I suppose, while looking for a comparable job.

Also…ever hear from a prospective employer…“over qualified”? This term is coming up alot for anyone coming from a skilled or semi skilled profession. Even the shit jobs are flooded by people with BA degrees. It’s not that easy dude.

Temp agencies are loving it though.

Paying people $8-9/hr for skilled trades that usually bring in $14-15+
and people take them because… they have to more or less.

I have. Instead of a pay cut I got my available hours cut in half, so I lost all benefits and 50% pay. What did I do? Picked up another job.

So you have to work more to make the same pay? Big deal. Grind it out and become a better person in the long haul. When you finally have that good job offer again it would look better to the employer to see that you sucked it up and were grinding it out. Sitting and saying i’ll take my cut of the system is the less attractive scenario to that employer IMO.

I honestly want to agree with you, serious. I used to be all for accountability and being stand up. But I refuse to stand up and take it in the ass anymore on the premise that poor get handouts, and rich get insane bonuses (even in hard times) etc… I’m sick of the middle class being fucked around and having to support both the upper and the gutter class.

I don’t like Obama, but shit…if the country is going to be poorly managed anyhow, I’d rather see middle class get a cut for a change. FUCK big business getting all the advantages. I am also on subsidized cobra…and have no issue with this fact. I pay taxes on the meager unemployment check I get each week, inflation is a 2nd hidden tax that’s often overlooked and not considered a tax. Our loss of spending power through currency devaluation is sick. Might as well get somethin while we still can. LOL.

I don’t condone cheating the system…I should clarify. I was legitmately laid off…in a rather unkosher way in fact. I’m accepting benefits that are offered to me…and that I’ve earned. While I seek comparable work. Even the jobs I never would have wanted aren’t working out. SIGH