Looking for Work???


There is nothing wrong with collecting unemployment when you qualify. In fact they will tell you to NOT take some garbage job making way less as it is only going to hurt your marketability in the long run. I am talking career people not $10hr people.

Aside from not being “internal” which removes half the listings I don’t meet the requirements on the other listings which are non internal. UGGGG

Thanks for the link tho.

I may move to NYC and become a subway act or something. LOL

Why not go back to school? I don’t know I just find it hard to believe that people with a good education and decent work history can not find a decent job. My sister and brother inlaw just moved from Seattle to Roch and their job search was ~3weeks and they both have great careers. I am moving back to Buffalo in a few weeks and have turned down two job offers simply because I do not feel like working and want to go back to school until I complete a Masters program.

Just put in a app for internal stuff also… they will call…

Exactly. If you WERE flipping burgers and got let go. You CAN get another burger flipping position.

If you had a long term semi skilled position for say…10 years like I did, a burger flipping job would hinder/damage marketability going forward.
Sometimes there’s a deeper strategy at work, despite some perceiving the action as laziness. Perhaps those that get the most angry, calling people “leaches” or “lazy” are just jealous and desire to be lazy without the underlying strategy. LOL (Not directed at anyone in specific at all)

Couldn’t agree more about that. I completely respect how you handled what has happened to you and have no problems with it. My statement was in general and was meant for the broad spectrum.

I don’t have a high level education. I’ll say I had a niche skillset that is less than marketable to the mainstream companies. I’m going to be looking at either college or trade school for electrical. Unless something pans out soon.

Props for getting through schooling. :slight_smile:

Yeah I didn’t want to and hope I didn’t come off as attacking you. I was a bit aggressive i guess…sorry. I just have so many people calling me a leach and bad mouthing me with no understanding of my situation.

I’ll check it out. Thanks for the lead.

What about people who have the same type job available with a different company but for less money?

I guess that is a judgment call. Personally if the money was close I would do it. I am saying like say a retail manager making 60k/yr in charge of 30 people needs to take the unemployment over taking a sales position/no leadership as it will really damage his career looking forward to downgrade yourself that much. Just not a smart move.

I personally would have gladly taken some paycut or had hours cut to stick around. You can ask anyone I dealt with. In fact when I got the release from my workers comp/arm surgery and they said BYE BYE I had suggested putting me at 4 hours and hiring an intern since they make about half my wage full time. For the same wages spent on my 8 hours they net 12 hours, albeit 8 from a less skilled worker. But I could train and ramp up the intern. My boss and even HIS boss wanted me back anyhow and given that suggestion thought it was brilliant. The bean counter execs nixxed it and the rest is history. :wink:
Anyhow…water under the bridge as they say.


Sounds about right to me. Corporate wants more $$ in their own pockets. Keep your head up and stay motivated.

Unemployed 6 months here.

Graduated UB with a GOOD GPA with Business/Finance Bachelors Science…

300+ applications later, nothing yet.

Can’t even land a $11/hr job.

Wasted 4 yrs at UB when I could of had 4 years work experience (Job market much better 4 yrs ago…) and saved myself the tuition.

Resume is much improved over what I previously posted on nyspeed, but still no luck…

Seriously considering collecting unemployment…

Have you triend the local banks? Healthcare agencyy’s? Out of state? How are you searching?

Studies like that are BS. Ya, people who are unemployed and were a VP making $150+k a year are not going to find that job again here but there is jobs. People just gotta get off their high horse and take them.

Only thing is tho, NYS unemployment system is so fucked up that people make more collecting it each week then if they took a basic job so I can’t blame them.

Get your MBA. A bachelor’s in business doens’t mean a whole lot, even though UB is one of the top 10 business schools in the country. You’re going to start super fucking low wherever you go.

Either that or you’re really fucking up at your interviews.

While there are many interesting reply’s to this thread, I noticed that it often comes down to this.

If you are gainfully employed and happy with your job, you wonder why other people aren’t and often blame the unemployed person as being insufficient or lacking in some way.

If you aren’t gainfully employed and happy with your job, you start to blame the hiring system, the lack of jobs in the area, or unemployment.

Is this a correct assessment?

ugh, the only thing worse then not being able to find a job, is, finding a great job, being selected over 52 other applicants for a 2nd interview, and then you find out this morning that they are going with the other candidate.:feck::feck::feck:

I think so, and from that we can conclude that those who accept or even demand responsibility for their own situations are more successful?

yea but an mba without work expierence is worthless as well in a lot of cases in business.