Looking for Work???

I just graduated this May from UB and I’m a bit older than most graduates. I had a full time internship that paid very well at the Department of Homeland Security. A week from today I lose my internship because I graduated and no longer qualify for the program. So about a month ago I got my ass in gear, worked on my resume, had friends look it over, and got it posted up on Career Builder and Monster.

In the last few weeks I’ve had a ton of hits but mostly in jobs that don’t interest me at all. So I don’t see how people say they can’t find anything when I’m being picky in what I pursue? There is plenty of work out there you just have to look in the right places; heck I’m even going in for my second interview at NY Life just to practice my interviewing skills some more

I really think the best way to find a job is networking with friends and family. I know a guy who knows a guy sort of thing. I already have one foot in the door at an international company that has not suffered at all in this current economy and is doing very well. My neighbor works there and they were looking for a Sales Associate that they never even advertised. He told his boss that he knew someone who would be good for the job and next thing you know I’m in there interviewing for the position. They liked me and now I’m off to Cincinnati next week for the second and final interview with the top guy.

I know I’m selling myself a little short taking a sales associate position at my age and level of experience but the pay and benefits are good. I was told if I strive and succeed in this position I should be onto the sales rep position in 6 months, making very good money. This position basically is prepping me for the sales rep position

So if you can’t find anything online or through Monster or what not, start asking friends and family if they know of anything or can get you in someplace. That seems to work the best.

^ Not mine, BS/MBA in finance and only internship experience (Although i did do 4 of them) and I got hired at a jr. VP level at a bank, they said the MBA and a high GPA was the difference.

Not all cases are like this though…for my research most want experience and mba for that kind of level. I ahve been out of school 4 years now so I got expierence. I plan on going back for my MBA part time. I plan on starting next fall if my plan goes well. So they will give me my expierence and mba in about 3 years.

yeah, i was worried about that. I just didn’t want to be in the group of late 20’s, one step above entry level, working from 8-5 then in class from 6-9 students that were in my grad classes that hated their lives.

I really wanted to go right after school, but felt I had enough and would not do my best. So now in the work force and want to go back. I found a few programs around me that are just weekends so I think that is the way I will be going. You are def. one of the few that landed it good out of school.

Fuck off.

UB is a top10 business school? lol really? since when?

Right, but you are branching outside of the greater WNY area correct? I agree with you that there are definitely jobs out there for people but not everybody wants to leave Buffalo. It can be argued from both sides, because when push comes to shove sometimes the best thing to do is relocate. Other times, it’s not.