Want to find a job off the books

and lock

You guys are missing the point. I want a job but if it isnt going to get me 400 a week whats the point of that?

you still suck in my book

motion to change this guys custom title


^You’re avatar/title combo is fucking killing me dude. lol. ILI


and i cant change it… lol

it was all JOE

hahah its funny because its true jk mike

Haha. :tup: to whoever did it then.

meh I like to bang :gotme:

Ya you guys are right. People who get laid off suck. I dont know what i was thinking. Im sure no one here has ever collected unemployment for a few months till they found a decent job after getting laid off.:slight_smile:

You made this thread saying you wanted a job so you could collect both unemployment and work off the books for extra money. Stop trying to change your story. Lick balls

getting it till you find a new job or are albe to go back to work is diff then getting both

EDIT to late

but still

And I commend you for it. :tup: lol

^word. You are getting shit from people because of your intentions to cheat the system. Which so many stupid lazy fucks do already, and cause our taxes to be even higher than they need to be. And for the love of god, they aren’t exactly low.

Just because the problem may not go away anytime soon, does not mean you should contribute to it.

right theres no need for us to pay for him while he is working off the books

So sitting around collecting unemployment is better than working along with it?


just go with it



It would be stupid for me to go get a shitty job making less than 400 a week than it would be for me to take the unemployment that trust me i have worked for. Then just do some side things for extra cash here and there till i find a decent paying job.

Yeah actually. That leaves a job open for someone willing to not be a leech.

Besides, if you’re working you don’t need my money.