work...and you

who else is stuck working at the crack of dawn? these mall holiday hours suck balls. working late, then coming in early the next day owns me

I’m at work also…:tdown: :tdown: :tdown:

Sounds like every week to me. I hate paying bills.

yea im at work too—blows…:cjerk:

i have weekends off…and i love it…

and you know what i am doing right now on my day off…


cause i need OT for x-mas $$$

Yeah sitting at work slightly hung over…

exactly what do you define as but crack of dawn…

hahahaha crack of dawn?? Try before dawn. I start work at 3:30am wednesday-friday 3:15am tuesday, and 2:30am on monday, which just got changed to midnight starting this week.

So ya, dont complain.

oh dub dub FTW

i hate my life because i did the exact same thing.

I started work at 7 am, sigh

yea at least you were scheduled to come in later than i was


edit: although im top in the district again boys, past 3 weeks

2nd shift ownz… mornings are when I go to bed.

at least you have a job, i finally got called for an interview from autozone and my car is all fucked up, both my rents work so i got no way of getting there, or to school for my finals so im probably going to fail almost ever class im taking.


The shitty thing is that I work second shift but have to work every other saturday morning. So basically I get out of work at 11PM on friday and have to go into work friggin early. And I always go out on friday’s regardless. Ughhhhh

my next day off is xmas.

mon-fri 7:30-5 :slight_smile: off weekends :slight_smile:

this week: 40 hours, wednesday and thursday off, 7:30am is the latest I go in.

i got out at 7 am this morn - mon - fri 11pm - 7am

plus this week OT - i worked 11pm - 11am everyday - sucked but thats one hell of a check