So who else is as lucky as me....?

…and has to work today :frowning:

this sucks…and it’s so nice out …stupid work :2fingers:

i am posting from my desk also :frowning:


-Sat-Sun-Mon all 8 hour shifts


on an upside…i am making good money today

double time FTW!

<< Working :confused:

You know where I’m at…working…BOO!

i’ll be working tonight 6:15-close…which i dont mind cuz i asked to work…yey for time-and a half!

skunk…dont complain, i would work all day if i got paid what you are getting paid :stuck_out_tongue:
there will be many more nice days…dont be a sad llama, lol

yeah i work 4-10 and i dont get time and a half, i get $4.35 and no tips cause nobody is gonna come in.

Not working but my wideband just failed :frowning: and I’ve gotten pulled over twice in the last week. :tdown:

i just woke up :slight_smile:

I heart bankers hours.

no work here, just rolled out of bed, being a lazy ass.

hell, i might not move at all today.

HEHE…yea…this is true

been out of work for 5 mos as of tom. and loving every min. of it.:smiley:


Could be worse- I’m sick as a dog and sitting inside. I was sick yesterday too.:rant: I had a lot of stuff to do too.

Working 5:30-2:00AM tonight, hopefully it will be quiet. Extra pay will be nice though.

i’m workin, but only from 11-3, so it’s not too bad

paid days off are pretty sweet imo.

so i went outside and cleaned my shitbox… and unfortunately it still looks like shit.

the only difference between now and an hour ago is the sweatyness =(


that’s gotta be so hotTt

4am-12:30pm owns. Get out early with plenty of day left and still get PAID.