It’s Sunday morning and I’m working again - 14th day in a row. I had 70 hours last week and that doesn’t count the hours I donated to the project.
If we ever take another job from this customer (which probably won’t happen), I just might refuse to work on it. You can only take so much verbal abuse for things you have no control over. I sooooo bad wanted to let loose over the phone, but that probably wouldn’t be a good idea.
well if it makes you feel any Better I got 3 hours of sleep and fucking called into work AGAIN because fucking assholes pick up shifts as causal employees and figure “we’ll its nice out so I’ll just call off”.
Fuck these assholes I work with. This is going to put me on 9 fucking days strait.
My manager is aware of everything and he appreciates the effort. Things just turned out this way. I don’t mind putting time in, it just sucks when you hardly see your family. :suckitup:
I’m now on Day 15. As soon as I send this report out today I’m outta here. There’s some other job that’s a crisis but screw it! Someone else can worry about it.
It’s OK. My boss told me last week that “You’re really not allowed” to come in 1/2 hour early and leave 1/2 hour early.
(this is the same boss that doesn’t come in until 10:30 everyday, and there are a dozen other people here that don’t come in until 9:30 - 10:00 everyday, but I’m putting in my 8.25 hours and I can’t do that. :rolleyes:
it’s not about liking your job or not, it’s about having a real job that you have to keep to put food on the table. It’s not like we all work at a gas station and could get fired for doing something stupid and get another job paying the same the next day. I fucking hate my job, but have worked late and on weekends, because that’s what needs to be done. You can’t expect to call off just because it’s nice out or not go in because you don’t feel like it and get your big pay raise at the end of the year.