Incase anyone is like me - GTAIV+Xbox360 @ BB = $50 GC

Just like zee title says.

Buy an Xbox 360 and GTAIV at BB and you’ll get a free $50GC.

CC also has a $10 gc when you guy the game FYI

FAIL + GTAIV = FAIL + Game you can’t play + Suckered to spend more $$$ at the rip-off joint

what the fuck are you talking about?

hell yeah, just took advantage of this… great deal IMO. pretty much getting 1/5 off the arcade system


… i am also lost.

don’t mind cavi mike, he just likes to rant to bring attention to himself


hm…PS3…or XBOX 360…


Ordered, will pick up when I’m back in the states tomorrow. Had to go to 1BB for the Xbox and another one for the game though, el gay. Both are convenient though. Shall be leaving early tomorrow!

FAIL = 360

How many more people do you need to see get the RROD before you wake up and realize it’s a piece of shit?

is the deal still going on or was it release date only?

if i get a $50 gc ill buy it for both systems :stuck_out_tongue:

RROD was only on the older sytems, the newer ones with the HDMI output and upgraded GPU mobo is fine.


ho many times do you need to make retarded posts before you realize your an idiot?

i would trade mine in 50 times before i would give sony a dime.

yup, was still going on yesterday at least.

Bah, I love mine and I’v had it for years. I keep in an open space and play for hours sometimes.

PieceofShit3 can suck my nuts.