Incredible fail motorcycle guy

Taken from another forum… guy is going to die.

It’s a fucking 2 wheeled travis

All I needed to see was the rattle canned brakes. I hope the first time hit hits the brakes, either A: he doesnt stop and flys off a cliff or B: they burst into flames and catch the fuel line on fire that he cut for weight savings too.

Darwinism at its finest.

oh wow.

I saw that on other forum. The cut frame is really something to behold…:rofl

I can’t believe it hasn’t broke yet. Apparently he’s been riding like that awhile. LOL

i am still digging the heat ducting gp hot bodies wana be pipe. I might go make a set for my bike tonight.

“Useful celever tips for you”

Since i am a Racer, I always appriciate if my vehicle can keep up with me. Well, i want immidiate respond from my throttle when i just rotate my throttle grip. For that purpose, i put some oil on and inside the cover of the throttle cable. The oil that i used was steering oil; Do you know what is that mean?!!! It means as you rotate the throttle grip back and forth more and more, the throttle cable movement gets smoother and smoother so if you start riding with my bike, the throttle acts normal smooth but if you started to push the gas back and forth, the throttle becomes even smoother. It is like the bike is telling you as more you play with it, it gets wilder. This turns me on so much!!

Note; you don’t have to add oil on the throttle cable or inside its cover but i recommend you to do it. It might makes your hands oily but you will be proud and glad when you ride your bike!


Congrats, you RE-Lubed a throttle cable. :retardclap

Also rub some grease on the handle bar for maximum satisfaction!! If you are a good mechanic, you can repair the vehicle good, if you are an enginneer you can make a good engine, if you are a designer you can designe a good vehicle, if you are a truth Driver you know what your vehicle is missing (!!), If you are all the above, your vehicle will be the best when you fix it because you know every thing. This small rub greasing that i showed in this picture came from all of the above

The throttle tubes are dry for a reason. They are supposed to spring back on their own. If you apply all that shit in side there the added friction and viscosity will not allow it to return to idle without you twisting it back.
Dirt, dust and the like will also get inside there and make it a giant clump of shit inside the throttle tube.

graphite powder is the proper choice to “lube your tube”. :thumbup

I can tell even through the shitty English dialect, that he is probably the typical arrogant engineer. “your vehicle will be the best when you fix it because you know everything.”

Did this guy go to RPI too?

He is the a HomeDepot engineer. Tin, rivet gun and a drill bit = better than a real production exhaust? come on.

How do I getz to be a “truth Driver”?..:rofl

Rossi’s winning secret: LUBE THE THROTTLE CABLE VUCK!..:rofl:rofl:rofl

nice bike… really well done

look at this incredible custom monogram he painted on his fairing…SO NICE

and the caption

“Eventhough after the final stage of painting, the paint might look dry after 8 hours donot touch the cover at least for 24 hours. I waited one day and half and i removed the covers (newspapers). The results made me satisfied Defenetly! The paint job is absloutly OUTSTANDING!!!”



truth driver status ACHEIVED

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I’ll wait…:rofl

Well that was disturbing lol

This is really is some serial bitnez. Unless something else happens or someone put a toilet seat on their bike, I don’t seee how this will not make it to the #1 of EPIC FAIL 2010.

…and I thought no one can top the NAWS energy drink in gas tank guy…:rofl

Shady would not approve these mods.