Indian Reality TV show - Slap / Fight

this got me AMPED when i saw it on another forum

This went down in India, where apparently women have rights… but on the real i feel the dude is totally justified to hit back… jeez

in embedding enabled here?


oh F sorry… where?

dont know…here somewhere. i remember it having a shitty title that made no sense.


“how can she slap!” make sense of the title and i’ll give you a dollar.

meh, not much of a thread…

no, you’re already winning.

He should have punched her to make it worth it.

I would never hit a girl after that to be honest. He barely flinched when she slapped him, and he got her pretty fucking good. There’s definitely a line, and I don’t think she necessarily crossed it THAT far.

man is must smell TERRIBLE in there with all those indians…

1:45 looks like a UB fire drill meeting spot

holy shit… she got labeled lol

it looks like he got it back though

What kind of Indians are on this show?

curry anyone?

(begins on post 9)

The guy is lucky he didn’t get stomped more.

you guys nuts?

i’d SOOOOOOOO fist to cheek that hoe then start blockin and tossin at anyone who defended her…

Equal rights bitch… a man gets hit back, so do you.

oo you’re a manly man aren’t ya