

I would eat those no question. the dominoes look GREAT.

Some people have way too much time on their hands.

Of course, I’m just jealous because I don’t even know how to make a sammich.

whaaaaaaaaat? report to my house at 7pm sharp tonight for training

i made the best tuna salad sandwich ever…gonna submit my recipe to food network and see if i can weasel my way to get a “lunchtime specials” show and get rich that way rather than going to med school lol

ha! thatd be so kick ass, if u do get rich, buy me an RS6 avant, the 03 model, deal?

You really have to learn because I get hungry at work and need sammiches!!!111!1111!!!

Make that girlfriend of yours hook you up!

I told you, she can’t deliver them to my work!

Because wimmenz can’t drive?

She can only leave the kitchen if I’m with her.

Nicole make me some of those dominoes. ham and american cheese please.

Were you with her at Sam’s when we were all starving!? HMMMM!?

Haha yeah yeah

You are just now figuring this out? I could have told you that.