
now u guys can deal with me having it too :banana

fuck…i think im gonna go play saints row instead of sleeping. gonna drink a lot of mountain dew too and then when the sun comes up rip axles out of cars…then probably go to bed.

lmao i woke up at 2 22 am this morning and started work LOL

i wokr up at 3am the other night

and then again at midnight the day before…

im crazy when it comes to sleep

You guys are dumb, I fucking love sleep.


Smoke weed and beat off.

benny, any fat pot head wanker loves sleep…

you are just wasting posts lol

like youre not

every other post out of you is




no my QX9650 rox your sox benny

btw i can post w/e garbage i want haha cuz u can’t mod it !!!

insomnia sucks. thankfully i have no such problems.i also LOVE sleeping. on saturdays and sundays i sleep till 2-3pm and its wonderfull

lol how do u know it sucks if u dont have that problem… u have no idea dude !

oh, ive had it before. im just saying i dont have it right now

oh okw ell congrats

cuz i always have it, but it means i get more work done so fuck it

i had it a few times. i basically ended up tiring myself out physically and then once i fell asleep i slept for like 18 hrs straight and then in a day or two my sleep cycle reset itself and it was back to normal. swimming/running a lot helps. swimming especially.

ya or just workin out etc

i gotta get back doin that i used to for 2 years steady , every week idk wtf happened, well i do, i gotta find someone to go with again who is dedicated…

shit i dont go to bed till around 2-3 evry morning and wake up at the same time everyday 1107

11 07 huh