intake manifold

ok, currantly i have my 1993 ka24de down to bare block and head(still together), last night i took off the intake manifold, which i was hoping would come off in 1 piece but because of clearance issues i had to take it off in 2 pieces. When i took the top part off i noticed that the intake manifold has what looks to be individual throttle bodies build inside it, but i know they can’t be the throttle body because i have already taken the throttle body off, so basically what r these individual throttle bodies in the intake, i know they r opened and closed because of vaccuum but what r they and why does it have this?? thanx any help would be great

here a pic of them …!C284AD4040FF2B5B!117&_c=PhotoAlbum[/img]

the manifold have 2 sets of run channel…
one for low end and one for high end
donno if i can really explain it here…
the long channel is for lowend(lower air flow)
and the short channel is for high end(higher flow flow)
it has smth to do w/ the momentum(?) of air when going into the cylinder when the intake valve open…
cuz even when teh intake valve closes air in teh channel will still get push in due to the momentum of air, a
nd when those air hit the closed valve they will get pushed back up the channel, to where the air chamber is in the manifold
the length has been calulated so when the air that hits teh vlave almost got back up to the chamber the valve will open again,
and air in the chamber will push the air going up the channel down again…
this way will prevent the moving air messed up the air inside the chamber
and affect the amount of air gets in to other cylinder…

and becuz the rate of valve opening is faster during high engine spd, s
o the high end channel don have to be as long…

p.s. i know my explaination sux…
but hope u guys understands… :slight_smile:

i cant really see s**t in that pic and ive never delt with a kade but if its anything like the CA they are known as butterfly valves they close under certian loads/rpms they re controlled by an acctuator on the back side of the secondary intake manifold. they apperently add more torque at certin rpms iirc by changing the velocity of the air going past them. they can be removed but personaly i have never seen any proof that they are good or bad. but i removed mine all the same. hope this helps maybe get a ka guy to verfiy this.

ya that pic in there blows if u can blow it up bigger somehow in my webspace u can see the 2 shinning rivits that hold the piece of metal on, i am getting a lot of respect for the ka now i have taken 1 apart, cast iron block, not 1 but 2 timing chains and they r double chained, this engine has potential writtin all over it and i hope i will be able to show u guys the pics of it before and after it comes from the machine shop.
I have like 13 pics of the progress i have made from staight as i got it to now torn apart, if anyone would like to see them don’t hesitate to ask i will post them all
thanx for the info, i need to find a ka24de manual for the rebuild so i do it right the first time without paying someone a shit load of money to do what i can do.