Interest: Roller Hockey League

i would need to get my skates under me. i have not been on them in awhile and i don’t want to look like an ass out there. also what hockey junk would i need besides the basics?

^^ all depends what you want… i myself have

helmet & gloves (thats a given), shin guards, hockey pants, girdle w/cup (if you want to protect ur nuts) i have elbow pads… i use them off and on. depends if i feel like wearing them at the time.

well i need a new helmet. got no elbow pads. no cup no pants i think it is time to do a little shoping.

Lets get an idea of when people want to play.


Just reply a day you could play.


Thursday but it could be later in the year

id play

I’m pretty sure they don’t have a thursday league (they don’t right now, unless they’re making a new one).

I’d play Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday


any one know when there is an open skate, not for hockey, anywhere i need to see how bad i need to work on my skating skills southtowns perabaly (sp)

I think I’m just going to make a poll.


any one know when there is an open skate, not for hockey, anywhere i need to see how bad i need to work on my skating skills southtowns perabaly (sp)


Skate and shoot at Epic is on Mondays from 8-10 and Friday 6-8. Not really that close to the southtowns though.

Tuesday or Sunday

If your interested PM me.


I agree with sean… wednesday FTW

Theres alot of interest in another tuesday league, looks like we might have NYSpeed vs NY Speed this spring.

well thats dumb lol

play tuesday, bring it :stuck_out_tongue:


just so i can take jay down :wink:

what should our name be if this happens…