Interesting historical books?

Well now that I’m back in the habit of reading a book or so a week, but my lit class ends in a week;

I want to brush up on my history. all of it. doesn’t matter what. In high school they did a pretty thorough job, but i’d just like a refresher

any history books that are interesting to read? suggestions?

The Discoverers by Daniel Boorstin - good book on science discoveries in history.

The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War, by Boyd(?)

Undaunted Courage - about Lewis and Clark

Cannonball!, by Brock Yates - YOu have to read this. The movies just scrape the surface, and it has lots of good stories about real car guys, professional and otherwise.

Karen Armstrong - History of God, Battle for God. An interesting look at how the major montheistic religions evolved in History of God. Another good look in the causes of conflicts between them throughout the years in Battle for God, same author.

Not history, but still a good read:
Catch-22- I can’t remember who writes it

A Rifleman Went to War, by H.W. McBride - The classic account of practical marksmanship on the battlefields of World War One. Being a narrative of the author’s experiences and observations while with the Canadian Corps in France and Belgium, September 1915 - April 1917. With particular emphasis upon the use of the military rifle in sniping, its place in modern armament, and the work of the individual soldier. This book was originally published in 1935.

ive got a bunch of them. let me know if you wanna stop by and take a look.

If you want a great book to read

“People’s History of the United States” by Howard Zinn

Just read the first chapter and it’ll have you hooked

Catch 22 is written by Joesph Heller :tup:

To go along with Rick’s idea here;
Chickenhawk - Written by a huey pilot about his time in Vietnam. Great book.

We Were Soldiers Once, And Young - yes, I know they made a movie, but it does the book no justice.

read a few others on the Vietnam war back in high school, just can’t remember the names of them right now.

And if you wanna go further back, there’s always The Iliad, The Odyssey, Canterbury Tales, anything by Machiavelli…

I already read People’s History of the United States

haha rick catch 22 was actually the first thing on my list. It’s a classic that I have never read,s o I figured I ought to

I actually met brock yates at the Glen a few years back, he was signing copies. Should have picked one up, but maybe now I’ll check it out

thanks for the replies, keep em coming

Night was and is my favorite book. Don’t let its small size fool you. :slight_smile: