Looking for a book...

Never thought I would see the day, but I find my self with a hour plus of down time when I work the late shift at work. Rather than surfing the internet for useless information and stuff I’ll never own, I figure I’ll pick up a book. Hell maybe my spelling and grammar will improve?

This may be a tough one, but I really enjoy learning about older tradtions. Anything from dating to farming just the way things used to be.

Is there any good books like this?


am this the cerius?

wrong forum. nothing nerdy about reading books.

the nerd forum is for IT and RPG’s

Pillars of the Earth. It goes into great detail about daily life, religion, and architecture. 1000 years ago. :tup:

I personally have been wanting to find time to read 1984 by george orwell.

If I do read, its usually to learn something so you can find me in the science, astronomy, programming section.

1984 was awesome. the idea that military confrontation as a necessity to eat budget surplus to propagate class struggle was awesome

“Yikes; can’t work miracles”
