read any good books lately?

Lately I’ve read Nikki Sixx’s Heroin Diaries, which wasn’t quite as good as The Dirt, and currently inching along through a couple Robert Greene books for shits. Covered Robin Baker’s Sperm Wars a couple months ago, which revolutionized the way I view relationships (from Tucker Max’s book list). Almost forgot to eat & go to the bathroom while reading it. What’ve you guys read that’s good? Looking to check out Cormac McCarthy next…

I’m still trying to struggle my way through understanding Maximum Boost, before I move on to other ‘Real’ books. lol.

every time i hear that line i think of john stamos’s high school english teacher that caused him to drop out of school in the only full house episode i ever saw.

Heroin Diaries is a great book to read.

I’ve read a lot of good books, but its not a good book unless you are interested in that subject. What kind of things are you into?

If theres one book I can point you towards (besides the Da Vinci Code) it would be God’s in Every Man. A Roman Mythology book about psychology and sociology.

Let me know what your interests are and hopefully I can point you towards a lot of good readings.

2 days ago i went to borders and stocked up i bought 4 books. One of them was the only mitch albom book i havent read yet, his newest one “For One More Day”. I literally, literally couldnt put it down. Att he end of the first night i had read 150 pages and event ho i had to work at 8 the next morning i stayed up till 2:30 a.m. reading it. I finished the next day, it took me a total of 18 hours to finish lol. Next is stephen colbert’s book “I am America and So Can you”. Neone else read this? Is it good?

Working my way through “Man’s Search for Meaning” but it’s tough because with school back in session I don’t have much time to read.


i know that episode.

he went to the bathroom…and NEVER came back

Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert :slight_smile:

Anything with Fabio Barechested on the cover

Robert Greene’s books are written great and easy to understand. I saw him and Hawking speak in Seattle last year.

I’m in the middle of 4 books.

On the Road by Jack Kerouac (great)
Choke by Chuck Palahniuk (pretty good)
Why we Buy by Paco Underhill (great)
IV by Chuck Klosterman (meh… too much pop culture for me)

digital fortress by dan brown was really good

Heroine Diaries was really good.
Under and Alone - ATF Agent infiltrated a biker gang in California (true story)
Without a badge - Another ATF Agent infiltrates a drug ring and becomes a big drug runner

A few more but can’t remember off the top of my head.

Awesome book, I went on a palahniuk spree a few summers ago. Lullaby is a lighter read, but not as interesting. Honestly the man’s descriptive powers are astounding.

i recently read 4 hour workweek, pretty good, some ideas to think about.

Rant by Palahniuk was flat-out Awesome. seemed like for a few books there, he was just trying to work the raunch as much as possible without deep plot development. Lullaby was good… but really, Rant is good :tup:

keep 'em coming, good stuff already

I just picked up A Million Little Pieces by James Frey. This is the guy that pissed off Oprah after people found out his story about going through drug rehab was embellished quite a bit. Regardless, I still think it’s a good read so far.

GREATEST BOOK EVER! I read the book about 3 times a year. It is my absolute favorite.

King of the Club by Richard Grasso. Good book for looking on the inside of W/S


just picked up The Driver by Alexander Roy