read any good books lately?

my girlfriend’s reading that right now.

I’m currently reading ‘Eclipse’ by Stefanie Meyer. It’s not my kind of book, but it’s not bad. I’ve recently finished ‘Jurassic Park’ which will always be a classic, and ‘Andromeda Strain’ by Michael Crighton.

If you’re into non-fiction, check out Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs. It’s hilarious, and anyone who grew up in the 80’s-90’s will appreciate it.

super street but thats a magazine

I have Jackie Stewarts autobiography on the way, cannot wait to read it. Havent read anything particularly stimulating in about 6 months, just the same old drivel.

Rob Rays book. Good read, Lots of pictures LOL.

Almost a year later I’m still working on Atlas Shrugged… running two businesses does not leave much time for reading lately :confused:

The Klosterman book that i am reading IV is only so-so. It’s essentially a collection of all his works from Spin. Reading about celebrities is very low on my list of interests, but i love his writing style. However, the last 30 pages of the book contain a fictional short story that is AMAZING. Seriously.

This was actually my first time reading it. It’s fucking awesome. I just finished it the other day, and practically want to start right over again. My GF read it 18 times.

I’m currently in between books, but some of the recent ones I’ve read which were all very good:

Next - Michael Crichton
Wild Fire - Nelson Demille
A State of Fear - Michael Crichton
Night Fall - Nelson Demille

A Brief History of Everything - Ken Wilber

If I find a book I like I’ll usually read it in two or three days, then take a break for a few weeks.

BIG Michael Crichton fan

For the Business people/students you NEED to read:
No Nonsense Leadership by Dave Anderson
21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader by John Maxwell

These books are great, Maxwell and Anderson can be very similar but great non the less. There is alot in there that can pertain to your everyday life as well

I read half of steven colbert’s book in one sitting. its not content heavy, and to be honest the humor gets old fast. I don’t really have a desire to finish the book.

last week I read Autobiography of an Idea by Louis Sullivan (architect of the guaranty/prudential building downtown among other things)

it was good, focused more on his upbringing and only had 70 or so pages on his education at the beaux-arts and his work as an architect

now I’m torn what to read next. i have a collection of manifestos from prominent 19th and 20th century architects, or I’m trying to get In Cold Blood from a friend of mine

" i read how to spend 15k on your crx" and the bible all on pills

man if you like a good read American Gods by Neil Gaiman, really anything by him is awesome.

In Cold Blood - dude, you’ve GOT to check it out. the detail he goes into… amazing.

im on the 5th of 7 books in Steven Kings Dark Tower series and im really enjoying it. I read king when i was younger, so it was interesting to get back into it after text books on neurotoxicity and synaptogenesis