I’m Jover. I live in Toronto, and have been driving a Corolla GTS Coupe for the past few years. To my knowledge, I’ve been the only one that has replaced the motor more than 3 times within 4 years. Either I’m driving too hard, or I have a sabateur on my trail…
I have recently bought a 240 SX (Actually I’m paying for it tomorrow). I have met a few people from this club already through events such as DriftNation’s Drift Exhibition, and other Grassroots events.
Hey, just thought I’d introduce myself in the proper section
My name is Arthur, I’m 20 years old doing my 2nd year at UofT (Political science).
I’ve seriously gotten interested in imports (esp Nissan and Honda) about 2 years ago. Aside from that I play airsoft and try to make it to the gym whenever work or school doesn’t interfere.
Unfortunately, I do not own a Nissan 240sx… I’ve test driven a few but still have not purchased my own (probably because of the whole insurance thing and being under 25, heh). But if all goes well for me (in the work area that I am trying to pursue) I hope to be driving my own 240sx this summer
My current goal is to learn as much as possible from you guys about the 240sx. Like many here I plan to one day get the SR20DET swap done (probably S13 since I can’t afford S14… and yeah, I still need to buy the car…)
So as a heads up, if anybody plans to be doing a swap and wouldn’t mind having an extra hand to help out please let me know, I’ll bring beer
hi whats up, my name is nathan, and been interested in drifting and cars for about 2-3 years now. I’m planning on buying a 240sx in the next few months, whenever cash is in my possesion. i’m planning on buying a 240sx and also an SR20DET right off the bat. Im going to learn as much as i can from this board so i know what the hell i’m doing when i put the engine in
Hey guys, welcome and enjoy your stay. Just to let you in in a little secret, the search button is your friend. So is Google. Search before you post questions.
Arty - I am 18 and just bought an S13, insurance is a bit of a biatch, but its worth it.
I currently own a 2002 Silver Spec-V and am a moderator/event co-ordinator over at www.gtasentra.net.
My girlfriend is in the process of buying a 1997 240SX SE…it’s in immaculate condition but it has loads of highway Km’s. We hope to have lots of fun with it…and hopefully it’ll be trouble free.
Well…just wanted to say hello and hopefully we’ll be out to some meets. Mybe even organize some joint meets/cruises with the Sentra boys.
hey guys,
im new on son, i live in ottawa and im on neo, but i wanted to explore the world of 240sx, and see what else is out there. you guys in t.o. seem to be more into mods and and stuff like that so i figure i can get some tips from you guys aswell and the guys on neo
ps. Ottawa Senators suck :rl:
Hey everyone! I’ve never been on this site before so I don’t know if I’m doing this right. Just thought I’d check out the club site since I am buying a '97 240sx tomorrow. If I did this right let me know! :?
Hey everyone,
I posted before but not on this thread. I’m 19 and from Brantford, but right now im at Ryerson University. I have a stock 92 240sx so far, if you wanna know more about it or see some pics it’s on cardomain. Hope to gain and share info about our cars and other things