iPhone 3G, the best phone ever.

This is it folks! Have you ever wondered to yourself, “Man, I wish I was baller! If only I had an iPhone…it’s the best phone in the world!”

Or even if you have ever wanted to just show off to your homeless friends by flashing a freaking iPhone in front of them. THIS IS THE PHONE FOR YOU.

But wait, why you ask? What is so special about this iPhone?

Well…it can freaking be used as a mother fucking spaceship! (spaceship app not included)

Besides flying around in your spaceship iphone, you can make calls to foreigners, text naked pictures to your ex-gf showing how BUFF you are, check your email in front of your grandparents and even go on the latest PORN sites at work!

So what’s the catch?

Well, there’s no catch, minus the fantastic semi-cracked back. But you know what? You have an iPhone…cracks make it even more freaking amazing. You look at a crack and you go, “Crack, I like you.”

How much is this fantastic piece of spaceship flying, sexting, emailing hunk of technology?!

You can get this sweet slab of plastic for $50[SIZE=2]!

(Screen is not cracked, home button works, stays charged, etc)

Here’s so sicckkkkkk pictures of it that I took with the iPhone 4 (sickkkkkk!!!):


:lol: Well done, Chris. GLWS

8GB iPod touch for $50…I’m considering it…GLWS

would make a good back up phone… hmm.

Jailbroke and just use as a app and mp3 toy? wifi? If so consider it sold if you have it friday.

I just did a full reset on it so it’s all set to whomever wants it.

Wifi works fine, the battery is decent for being 2 years old, like I said the only thing is the back case got a little cracked, still plugs in and charges and what not.


For anyone worried about the crack… Pretty much all 3g iphones over a year old have that crack. It doesn’t affect the phone in any way.

Im not worried about the crack, and PMd saying ill take it. Consider it gone. :wink:

id take it but im in ATL til sunday

Well as I said up above, if it’s available still on friday i’ll take it.

I think/hope I got the 1st PM in. Just waiting on the call to go pick it up. :slight_smile:
My damn iphone power button is broke and when it locks up I have to let the battery die before I can reboot. LOL

Sold to TradersBASE, he was the first one to respond/PM me. Sorry to everyone else.

I’ll leave feedback tonight or tomorrow on here for ya. Cool meeting you and thanks to you I have an iphone with a working power button. :slight_smile:
Great seller…somebody buy his bike! :wink:

greatest FS post 2 thumbs up man!

Agreed. I wasn’t sure whether to PM him quickly or just laugh for a few minutes. Glad I choose the PM route and laughed afterward.
Unit is now jailbroken with ios 4 unlocked. Doing my last bit of syncing and I’ll be set. So weird being able to lock the phone without using an app. LOL

to bad the 3g dosnt use alot of the 4.0 os. kinda worthless cant belive the phones are selling so cheap

Haha glad you liked it, nice meeting ya man :tup:

does it have the WIFI’S?

its 3G!!! AND HAS THE WIFI’S!!!