iphone help!!!

i need to save some text messages and or print them out. is there anyway i can do this?

You can take a screenshot that will go to your “photos” by hitting the power button and circle button at the same time.

^^ What this fag said.

Also there used to be some 3rd party SMS apps on the iphone that would allow you to do this, but that was a long time ago and the App Store Nazis take shit down all the time.

how do u get the circle thingy? o wait i think i understand. let me try. brb.

Hit the power button and home button(circle thingy) at the same time and it will take the screenshot

or you can copy and paste all the text you need saved. enter it into an email and email it to yourself or someone else and print it from there…i have a wireless printer at my house that i can actually print things off of my iphone on.

you could send me stuff if you need to and i could print it for you.

done. thanks doods.

lock it up

I know on android there is an APP that will backup all your texts and store them on your phone or send them to your gmail, or both. Probably something like that in Apple App Store.

On Android it’s called SMS backup and restore.

Someone tryin to save nudes!? :rofl

duh winning :lol

fucking iphones are for retards. this thread just proved it.


Great story, Mike.

Today I learned how to take a screenshot on my iPad.